
Being mentioned in the M3rqrie-book series is a privilege. This was planned as a joint release, the 4th book (Ph3nix) and this EP scheduled for the 7th July 2023. Unfortunately, the book release was delayed. Creativity cannot (and should not) be forced.

Even if the joint release did not happen as planned, the book is available in paperback (ISBN: 9789180573764) and ebook (ISBN: 9789180805704). Hope you’ll enjoy both the EP and the book!

  1. N3v3r!and
  2. !y
  3. 914D00m
  4. Ph3nix

About M3rqrie

N3v3r!and – A slow progression towards an unknown goal, hidden in plain sight. Once there, is it what it seemed? Or what is it really?

!y – It is tension. From the start. To the end. It is slow, it is not slow, it is soft, it is hard. It is a kind of attitude that breathes confidence with focused energy.

914D00m – Analog, analog, analog. Yet modern. Perhaps not the cleanest sound. Perhaps not the most clear space between each sound. But you know how it can be! Sometimes things are just tangled up in each other. For good and for bad.

Ph3nix – An exploration, nearby, in familiar grounds. Just around the corner. Discovering new old things. Being. Connecting.